
По Смоленской Дороге (English) – Булат Окуджава translated to English

This song has especially touching lyrics that most people can identify with. The best line of the song is:

“Maybe if the ring of your arms was more secure, the rod would have been easier for me.”

That line can really hit home. Bulat Okudzhava, who originally wrote this song, is a master at writing simple yet touching lyrics and this song is a great example of that. The melody is simple. There isn’t too much going on musically. The song is short. Everything seems basic. But at the same time, there is real magic in the lyrics that is highlighted perfectly with the music.

Here are all the translated lyrics of this song:


On this backroad – endless milestone posts and posts

Heavy on my heart – your words your words your words

And above this road of mine, shine just like your eyes

Am Two cold evening stars looking down at me.


On my road, the snow storm howls and howls.

But I keep thinking on and on and on

Maybe if there was warmth in your embrace

My road might have been easier to bare


Along my road, years turn and turn

I keep traveling and searching on and on

Above my road shine just like your eyes –

Two cold evening stars looking down on me.